Friday, February 10, 2012

Day 1 of 90 Day Weight Loss Challenge

When you get to the point where you avoid your own self in the mirror, and when you get dressed you realize you're asking a lot out of your pants, it's time to do something about it.

I don't know about you, but I am an amazing planner, and I can be completely motivated - when I'm sitting on the couch thinking about it. I can be so excited about my new workout, a yoga DVD, walking with my neighbor, or eating lots of salads and fruit. I go to bed so pleased that I am going to get up in the morning and kick butt! Then, morning comes, and that person is gone. GONE. No idea where she goes, but she usually shows back up about 9pm, in my living room on the couch.

A good friend of mine posted on Facebook that he wanted to do a 30 lbs in 90 day weight loss challenge and asked who wanted to join him. I remembered that girl that was talking about being motivated and this new healthy lifestyle she planned on embarking on (She was sitting on my couch last night in her pajamas), and I thought, she'd want to do this, so I should join in.

Well, we are not alone, my friend, this PJ-couch girl and I... 10 people have joined this challenge. We now have our own FB group. (Don't try to find us, we are a secret group). Today is Day 1. We all agreed to be open about our current weight and 90 day goal weight. Admitting that I'm "larger than life" by voluntarily joining a group called "Fatty's Unite" should be enough, but no, now I have to say/type my weight out-loud. Not even my husband knows my weight. (He better not try guessing either if he wants to wake up in the morning!) I bit the bullet, and after another brave soul who happened to have the same starting weight as me spoke up, I shared my weight. ARGH! It was horrid! Even my fingers cringed when I was typing it!!!

Well, good news! After chatting it up last night with my new group of like minded friends, the PJ-Couch girl showed up this morning!!! I can't tell you how long its been since I've seen her in the light of day - probably 4 years? Well, she encouraged me to have a nice healthy bowl of oatmeal to start the day.

Here's what I recorded in my workout log this morning (after checking in on my FB group to make sure everyone was doing something active this morning too).

Day 1:
*Felt motivated and inspired, dragged the dusty elliptical out, wiped it down and got the remote and two bottles of water. (optimistic, aren't I?)
*The animals all came to see what this dusty stiff thing was. (The elliptical, not me)
*Started a 30 minute routine, but realized that if it stayed at level 8 resistance I couldn't move my legs.
*2 minutes in - doing good, feeling proud.
*3 minutes in - legs weigh at least 100 pounds.
*4 minutes in - my body yells at me, "Keep it up fatty, and you die!"
*OMG. It's only at 9 minutes!!!
*14 minutes - remember quote about "There are 1,440 minutes in a day, use 20 of them to exercise"
*18 minutes - only two minutes to go...I can do this
*20 minutes - stagger to the door to undo the deadbolt so the paramedics can get in, does anyone know CPR???

Well, I'm happy to report that my heart did not in fact explode, and I managed to make it to the couch before I needed CPR. Good thing too, because no one else is home, and the dog's version of CPR involves a lot of tongue (kind of like that gross CPR Instructor, but that's another story...).


Shirley Ewe-Jest said...

This is hilarious! But I'm totally saying that while wearing pajamas and eating cookies!

Muzette said...

Thanks, Shirley - every word of it true. I'm a little further along in the challenge, and I' haven't died, although after my hubby tried to teach me to do a TRX workout I couldn't cough or sneeze without needing a pain pill! :)

Shirley Ewe-Jest said...

Hey, I gave you the "Versatile Blogger" award... see the details/directions at my blog. :D